Automatic Street Light Controller

ABSTRACT: An automatic street light controller circuit can switch on and off a street light at the exact time the light intensity of an area reduces and is unique to the particular location relying solely on light intensity rather than manual operation or timer based systems

INTRODUCTION:  Generally, as it gets dark outside towards the end of the day, there exists a need to have street lights switch on as soon as the visibility drops to prevent accidents and safety of the pedestrians. The problem with street lights around us is that they are either manual or clock based, both of which have major flaws towards electrical efficiency and reliability. In case of manual operation human error is a big concern and in case of timer based system efficiency is lost as the time of sun set is not the same throughout the year due to seasonal and daily weather conditions. In an attempt to overcome this conflict, we propose the following automatic street light controller circuit using relay and LDR. This simple circuit will automatically switch on the street light (led or blub coupled with a relay) as the ambient sky light decreases.

EXPLANATION: The working of circuit is very much easy to understand. In this circuit, we used  IC LM358, which is basically an operational amplifier. Pins 2 and 3 of these IC are used to compare the voltage and give us an output as high or low depending on the voltages at the input pins. In this circuit, LDR and 10KΩ Resistor form one potential divider pair, which is used to provide a variable voltage at the non-inverting input (Pin 3). The second potential divider is built around inverting input (Pin 2) with the help of 10KΩ Potentiometer, which will supply half of the supply voltage to inverting pin. The property of LDR that during the day time- its resistance is low, the voltage at the non-inverting input (i.e. pin 3) is higher than the voltage at the inverting input (pin 2). Hence, the output at the pin 1 is high. As a result, the relay is OFF and the LED will not glow. But in dimness or at night time, we know that resistance of LDR is high. Hence, the voltage at  non-inverting input pin 3 of the IC LM358 decreases than the inverting input pin 2. As a result, the output pin 1 moves to low state, which further makes the relay to activate and the LED or bulb associated to it will glow.

MOTIVATION: According to a study from ‘Transport for London’s Energy Efficiency Street Lighting Program it was estimated that about 60% of all CO2 emissions annually are a direct result of street lights. That is about 17000 tonnes of CO2 equating to about $2.8m. This number can be reduced by 20% by implementation of smarter systems in place of timer based or manual systems. In addition to the ecological factors, safety is a major concern. According to the Times of India, the average fatal car accidents during 5 – 6 pm is about 250 through out India. But this number reaches about 400 during 6 - 7 pm which is the unpredictable time to determine darkness of the particular area due to the weather conditions and cloud cover. That’s a 60% rise in fatal accidents and a greater risk to traverse during dusk. The motivation for this project was that a simple smart/modern solution is so advantageous yet not being implemented by the authorities even though it benefits the entire city and eventually the entire nation. 


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