Taekwondo - An evolving journey

It would truly amaze any individual, when they realize their hidden potential. As cryptic and generic as that statement may seem, it is true. Although amazement not in terms of surprise and excitement but rather in understanding that 'limits' are simply mental barriers set up by the mind to hold on to the past and justify the inception of a journey. The mind is satisfied by comparing the progress from beginning to end. In taekwondo, I have learnt that there is virtually no 'end' in sight. Constantly adapting and evolving to the current situation is a trait that is fundamental in taekwondo. 

There have been multiple occasions where the discipline training in taekwondo has helped me tremendously in my daily life. From waking up early in the mornings for a run to staying motivated to complete a tedious task such as record writing, taekwondo training allowed me to work through tasks that most would claim to be boring, monotonous or uninteresting with relative ease. Taekwondo is a relationship with your own body that has to be recognized individually. This relationship goes on until the brain can function no more.

Contrary to most assumptions, one must not practice martial arts to explicitly fight. It is the last resort tool in my arsenal for self-defense only. The art teaches composure, that is crucial in not only a fight but in real life, concentration, which can be used to understand your opponent and predict their next move, last but definitely not least versatility, which has helped build confidence within me. The ability to think on ones toes, so to speak is sadly underestimated in todays day and age that leads to disputes and arguments. If life were a video game, martial arts is a power up that boosts progress in all aspects of life.

The ending of 6th grade was the day I learnt all I needed to from Taekwondo. I had graduated to a Black Belt which is also called the 'poom' grade. Subjectively speaking, there was nothing more left to learn for me. I may have stopped, but till date, I incorporate the teachings of my sensei in my life.


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